Saturday, October 1, 2011

At last the journey begins

I am excited about this process of sharing thoughts and ideas with others. I plan to discuss several topics covering a broad field from eating to many sweets, to life in general, self-improvement, cats, work at home jobs, and more.
I am one that enjoys learning and gaining new insights.  As stated in my blog title I tend to analyze all too much, as to the reason it has taken me so long to get this blog up and going.
I have a notebook here filled with 3 pages of titles and ideas of what the perfect blog title would be. Each time I thought I had a Eureka moment then my analyzing would overtake me and it would no longer be good anymore. So explains the title to this blog.
I tend to be pretty practical but when It comes to certain situations like owning 3 bread machines because I have to decide which one is best etc and then not wanting to get rid of any of them. You know i just might need each one for a different type of scenarios as one makes round loaves and one makes square loaves and one makes bigger loaves.
Oh joy the fun has just begun.
Ta Ta for now